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Tokio Hotel fans from Romania
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Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by blackpearl578 21st March 2008, 6:22 pm

-E deja confirmat ca citiva fani de la balcon au vazut la concertul din Lisabona ca Bill era prezent si incerca sa explice situatia celor din jur,de ce el nu poate cinta si tot ei au mai spus ca chiar plingea(Doamne,saracul!Eu pling!!)Insa securitatea l-a impiedicat sa iasa pe scena!A fost vazuta intreaga trupa incercind sa-l calmeze,caci el nu dorea sa lase totul neexplicat!
- Managerul lor,David Jost,a avut o conversatie(LIVE-LA TELEFON) in Curto Circuito (un TV Show portughez). El a spus ca Bill a luat "o gramada de injectii si medicamente simbata,insa nu s-a facut bine".El a mai zis ca "Bill abia de poate sa stea pe picioare".
- David Jost va vorbi iar la Curto Circuito miercuri(adica miine).

"Bill a iesit din Atlantic Pavilion plingind,cu un stergar in jurul gitului. (Nota -Probabil pentru ca sa-i fie cald,saracutzul).El a vrut sa ne spuna ca ii pare rau,precum au facut si ceilalti trei membri,insa securitatea nu i-a permis.Era foarte trist,dorea ca concertul sa ia loc,precum si noi am vrut!
Transmiteti mesajul tuturor pentru a demonstra ca nu a fost vina lui."

lacrimi lacrimi mie atit de mila de el... cry....

Number of posts : 71
Age : 32
ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-12-11

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Re: Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by ardna_1987 21st March 2008, 10:03 pm vreaus a fiu rea...

dar din pacate si-a facut-o cu mana lui...

stie mult prea bine ca trebuie sa se ingrijeasca..

oare fumand si band si umbland dezbracat e remediul?

oare atunci cadn facea aceste lkucruri se gandea la consecinte?asa cum sustine ca de cand are 18 ani e liber??

e pe dracu././abia atunci vei simti ce mic esti ep cate chestii dure si taioase te pot lovi....

iar cu plansul nu rezolva nimic...

nu acopera chiar nu tine de foame...

dar cel putin s-a descarcat,....

si mie imi pare nu e in stare sa aiba grija de el...daca nu el atunci cine sa faac acel lucru?
Der letzte tag
Der letzte tag

Number of posts : 409
Age : 36
ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-09-10

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Re: Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by blackpearl578 22nd March 2008, 7:10 am

mdaa..chiar ai dreptaqte..
problema e ca..isi simtea lumea la acum..da, cum ai zis..a simtit totusi cine cu adevarat este pe lume
din cauza asta el poate pierde multe..
imi e mila de el.pentru simplu fapt ca-si poate pierde a cinta...
dar..viata e cruda cu toti mai devreme sau mai tirziu
iar faptul ca ai bani, si milioane de amatoare, uneori nu-ti dau te pot ajuta

Number of posts : 71
Age : 32
ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-12-11

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Re: Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by NyX 22nd March 2008, 5:46 pm

sunt de acord cu voi,...

mi-e mila de el, nush ce sa zic...

eu patesc des sa racesc, sa ma imbolnavesc din cauza ca nu-s atenta cu mine... parca stiu cum se simte...
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ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-11-12

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty mda

Post by yoanatzu 29th March 2008, 11:16 am

sincer eu nu stiu cum va puteti numi voi sunteti constienti ca bill e bolnav din cauza noastra?...pentru ca noi il voiam tot timpul pe scena sa-l auzit chiar daca era ger afara...sau ploua....niciodata nu ia pasat de chestiile astea....ganditi-va putin ...credeti ca bill de fiecare data cand urca pe scena la un concert se simtea foarte bine?..poate era obosit ...sau il durea ceva....dar el nu spunea nimic...canta ca sa ne vada pe noi stiu sincer...cum puteti sa spuneti asemenea nu a avut grija de a avut grija de el pentru ca a fost prea ocupat cu noi de aia nu a avut grija de el...asa ca terminati cu comentariile de genul pentru ca sincer nu isi au rostul....mai ales acum...cand voi ar trebui sa ii fiti alaturi nu sa il din cauza noastra bill ar putea sa nu mai cante niciodata.... lacrimi plangacios

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Re: Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by NyX 29th March 2008, 3:45 pm

ai dreptate yoanatzu: I'm so so so so SOORRY sorry sorry sorry plangacios plangacios plangacios lacrimi lacrimi lacrimi
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Number of posts : 126
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Job/hobbies : karate, pictura, sa scriu versuri, sa citesc, etc
ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-11-12

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Re: Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by NyX 3rd April 2008, 4:46 pm

va dau tot ce am gasit despre:

[b]Confirmed: Bill has a cyst on his vocal chords

Confirmed: The rest of the 1000 Hotels Tour is cancelled.

Confirmed: Bill does require surgery.

From the Bild magazine website:
Bill Kaulitz wird am Kehlkopf operiert -

(Thanks to fleur89 for the translation.)

Doctors Cut the Cyst out of his Throat
By Mark Pittelkau

Hamburg-Has he endangered his health for his fans?

Singer Bill Kaulitz(18) of germany’s most successful rock band “Tokio Hotel”(DDM) has to go through a surgery of his larynx!

The doctors diagnosed a cyst on one of his vocal chords, that (the cyst) has to be removed immediately. Without a surgery his voice could be affected so strongly that he would never be able to sing again.

The completely sold out Europe-tour with concerts in Italy, Sweden, Slowenia, Serbia, Finnland, Danmark, Norway and a show in Dortmund have to be cancelled.


"Bill has already been in supervision of doctors in the beginning of last week, because of laryngitis", says TH-producer and manager David Jost. “A further examination showed that a nub has developed on one of the vocal chords, which makes it impossible for the laryngitis to heal. The cyst has to be removed in a surgery this week.”

How can such a cyst develop?

“Mostly a nub on the vocal chords, a so called singers' knot, develops because of an overstraining of the voice,” says Doctor Julia Vent from the University-Hospital Cologne. “If a singer sings too loud or with wrong pressure such a nub can develop. That is encouraged, if the vocal chords are already affected by an infection. A cyst in the larynx is a small bubble filled with liquid. The surgery is made by inserting a pipe through the mouth. With help of a microscope the cyst is cut out with tiny, sharp scissors.”

After the surgery Bill has to go through a several-weeks long rehabilitation, to avoid long-term damage.

Producer David Jost: “We really hope, that the fans understand that Bill’s health has to be in the foreground.”


Everyone try to stay calm, our Billi will be just fine. SPERAM!

mai jos sunt alte surse unde se vorbeste despre operatia lui BILL!

Justin Timberlake had surgery to remove vocal nodules in 2005.

Omarion, formerly of boy-band B2K also had surgery to remove nodules in 2005, and as a result, had to cancel a number of live shows in London.

Bonnie Tyler, in 1977, found out that she had nodules that were so severe that she had to have surgery for their removal. After the surgery was performed, she was ordered to not speak for six weeks. One day while healing, she accidentally screamed and her voice took on a raspy quality.

Davey Havok, lead singer of AFI, suffered from vocal nodes, which forced AFI to cancel several shows on their Spring '04 tour.

And a lot more are there. Bill's on there now, too.

According to media reports, Bill has to undergo an operation on his vocal cords. Due to an infection, a fluid filled cyst had formed that has to be removed. This operation is routine which is done daily in many Throat-Nose-Ear clinics and will be done under a full anesthesia which only lasts about 20-25min. The danger that the voice gets permanently damaged during/after the operation is very low. However, you need to rest your voice for at least a week after the operation and further weeks to recover. The rest of the current European tour and the US tour in April don’t look like it'll take place.

Tokio Hotel's manager and producer David Jost hopes: "that the fans will understand that Bill's health has to be put first."

We will put further and definite information about Bill's health and tour reschedule dates here as soon as possible.

Source: Der offizielle Tokio Hotel Fanclub

The singer Tokio Hotel had to be operated

The singer Bill Kaulitz Tokio Hotel will be operated on for a cyst to vocal cords. Consequently, the concerts of the German rock band are cancelled until May 8, said the project developer performances Four Artists.

Aged 18, the singer will be dealt with his coming days. His recovery is expected to extend over several weeks. The group would have had to occur soon in Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, Germany and Finland.

"It is still too early to say whether remedial concerts will be held," said Stefan Henkel of society Four Artists. "If so, it will be this summer," he added. It is anticipated that the group ignites the Parc des Princes in Paris on June 21, but the Stade de Geneva on July 12.

sursa : Romandie News : Le chanteur de Tokio Hotel doit être opéré

ideea de baza din ce am citit in certificat e ca o sa ia intre 10 zile si 3 saptamani de recuperare.


"Due to a significant vocal problem had interrupted the European tour. Since then, the patient had absolute vocal silence and maximum of conservative therapy (Medicaments, inhalation) prescribed by me.
For Mr Kaulitz has a significant organic thickening in his vocal cords and that makes it impossible to speak properly. From the mittellage break the gegangstone away, the speaking voice is rough.
It is in the compressed intracordale vocal cords with secondary epithel cyst and aufwerfung. The problem is that the sound of the vocal phonation is not on a smooth level distribute, but in the zone of cyst.
Because this area of a bundelung forces, was re stimmbelastung short term to a further epithel. The tissue swelling is there and the vocal cords will deteriorate further is no surgery.
Mr. kaulitz phonochirurgischen intervened in which the cyst has to be exstirpiert and the vocal cords reconstructed. Post-operative includes a vocal silence of 10 days and it can go to 3 weeks without talking.
A continuation of the tour is currently under no circumstances to be recommended. For questions, I am here at any time."

deci cica nu e f grav

Stire oficiala de pe Tokio Hotel | official homepage

After cancelling the Tokio Hotel concerts in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy, all remaining concerts of the sold out “1000 Hotels European Tour” had to be cancelled as well. If there will be alternative dates for the cancelled shows is to be resolved in the upcoming days. All purchased tickets may be exchanged or refunded at the place of purchase.
Further medical examination resulted in Bill having to undergo surgery on his vocal chords and the operation will have to be carried out as soon as possible. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are sad and terribly disappointed about not being able to perform. Especially for Bill, the current situation is terrible and he is absolutely devastated since not being able to sing is basically the worst case scenario for a singer. Bill hopes that the surgery will go well and that he´ll be back on stage soon to see all the fans.
The band expresses their sincere apologies but there was just no other option than to cancel the shows and get the surgery done. Thanks for your understanding and we´ll keep you updated!"

uitati-va aici, cititi voi mai departe daca mai e ceva am sa postez si sorry for the mistakes

pot sa mai zic ceva de dupa operatie dar daca vreti alte detalii de dinainte uitati-va pe linkul care l-am dat

E-mail interview with Bill Kaulitz after surgery

BILD: Bill, how do you feel?
Bill: “Well, I had better times in my life, but it’s ok. I am really glad that it’s done now. But I have obviously still fear for my voice and consequential damages. With me, everything is centered on my voice. I really do not have pain. ”

BILD: How have you seen the operation?
Bill: “When I got the anesthesia briefly before my surgery, the doctors were already around me and I was totally yellow at the beginning that the anesthesia would not work and that perhaps although they would start to operate me. The idea is not quite so cool that someone is cutting in your throat with you being in full awareness. But shortly after that thought, the anesthetic dose already mad me drift off. ”

BILD: How was it afterwards to see your twin brother Tom (18)?
Bill: “When Tom came to see me in the wakeup-room, I still had a giant needle in the arm by drip. As Tom and I both have a total syringes-phobia, it was very difficult for both of us to resist the laughter - unfortunately, I was not allowed to laugh. Besides, I had such an awful white coat and such a wretched green cap on my head. I looked as if I was just arisen out of some damned hospital tv soap/series. ”

BILD: What is your day currently?
Bill: “I just, for example, watched the film, Interview with a Vampire. When I do not watch DVD, Tom has all the time for me, because he always immediately knows what I will say. If I get a question, I only need to look briefly at Tom, and then he responds almost exactly what I would have done. Without Tom, I would have probably already tenosynovitis, because of to much writing. ” =))

BILD: How many times do you still have to go to the hospital?
Bill: “I have only a few times to check and then already my voice-rehab starts.”
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ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-11-12

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Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Empty Re: Bill chiar e bolnav...:((

Post by NyX 3rd April 2008, 4:48 pm

dak am gresit ceva, imi lipseste ceva completati plz voi!

inca odata sorry ptr greseli dak am...dar sigur am...
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Location : Galati/ Tulucesti
Job/hobbies : karate, pictura, sa scriu versuri, sa citesc, etc
ChAt ToKiO HoTeL : Bill chiar e bolnav...:(( Angiftjxr9
Registration date : 2007-11-12

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